
interface Element : Node

An HTML DOM element.

All HTML element interfaces derive from this interface.



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enum AlignTo
Describes how the element will be aligned to the visible area of the scrollable ancestor.


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Returns the next node in the document tree, if any.

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Returns the parent of this node, if any.

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Returns the previous node in the document tree, if any.

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Returns XPathExpression that represents path to this Node, or an empty expression if it is not available.


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abstract fun addEventListener(eventType: EventType, listener: Observer<Event>, useCapture: Boolean)
Adds the given listener to the event target.
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abstract fun appendChild(childNode: Node): Boolean
Adds the given node as a child of the current node to the end of its children list.
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Returns HTML attributes of this element.
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abstract fun blur()
Removes keyboard focus from the current element.
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abstract fun boundingClientRect(): Rect
Returns the rectangle bounds of the element and its position relative to the top-left of the viewport of the current document.
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abstract fun children(): List<Node>
Returns an immutable list of all children of this node.
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abstract fun click()
Simulates a click on the node.
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abstract fun close()
Closes this node.
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abstract fun compareDocumentPosition(otherNode: Node): Set<DocumentPosition>
Compares position of the current node against another node in a DOM tree.
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abstract fun dispatch(event: Event): Boolean
Dispatches the given event at the current event target.
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abstract fun document(): Document
Returns the Document instance of this node.
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abstract fun evaluate(expression: String): XPathResult
Evaluates the given XPath expression for the node and returns the XPathResult of the ANY type.
abstract fun evaluate(expression: String, type: XPathResultType): XPathResult
Evaluates the given XPath expression for the node and returns the XPathResult object of the given type.
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Evaluates the given expression for the node and returns XPathResult of the XPathResultType.ANY type.

fun Node.evaluate(expression: XPathExpression, type: <Error class: unknown class>): XPathResult
fun Node.evaluate(expression: XPathExpression, type: <Error class: unknown class>): XPathResult

Evaluates the given expression for the node and returns XPathResult of the given type.

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abstract fun eventListeners(eventType: EventType, useCapture: Boolean): List<Observer<Event>>
Returns the immutable list of event listeners that listen events of the given eventType in a phase that corresponds the given useCapture.
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Returns the first Element found in the current search context by the given className, if any.

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Returns the first Element found in the current search context by the given cssSelector, if any.

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Returns the first Element found in the current search context by the given id, if any.

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Returns the first Element found in the current search context by the given name, if any.

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Returns the first Element found in the current search context by the given tagName, if any.

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abstract fun findElementByClassName(className: String): Optional<Element>
Returns the first Element object found in the current search context by the given className.
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abstract fun findElementByCssSelector(cssSelector: String): Optional<Element>
Returns the first Element object found in the current search context by the given cssSelector.
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Returns the first Element object found in the current search context by the given id.
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Returns the first Element object found in the current search context by the given name.
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abstract fun findElementByTagName(tagName: String): Optional<Element>
Returns the first Element object found in the current search context by the given tagName.
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abstract fun findElementsByClassName(className: String): List<Element>
Returns an immutable list of the Element objects found in the current search context by the given className.
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abstract fun findElementsByCssSelector(cssSelector: String): List<Element>
Returns an immutable list of the Element objects found in the current search context by the given cssSelector.
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abstract fun findElementsById(id: String): List<Element>
Returns an immutable list of the Element objects found in the current search context by the given id.
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abstract fun findElementsByName(name: String): List<Element>
Returns an immutable list of the Element objects found in the current search context by the given name.
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abstract fun findElementsByTagName(tagName: String): List<Element>
Returns an immutable list of the Element objects found in the current search context by the given tagName.
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abstract fun focus()
Sets focus on this element, if it can be focused.
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Returns the first Element found in the current search context by the given className.

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Returns the first Element found in the current search context by the given cssSelector.

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Returns the first Element found in the current search context by the given id.

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Returns the first Element found in the current search context by the given name.

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Returns the first Element found in the current search context by the given tagName.

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abstract fun innerHtml(): String
Returns a string with the HTML content of this element, or an empty string if the element does not have inner HTML.
abstract fun innerHtml(html: String): Boolean
Replaces the HTML content of this element with the given html.
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abstract fun innerText(): String
Returns a string with the text content of the element and its descendants.
abstract fun innerText(innerText: String): Boolean
Replaces the text content of the element with the given innerText value.
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abstract fun insertChild(node: Node, beforeNode: Node): Boolean
Inserts the given node before the given beforeNode as a child of the current node.
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abstract fun nextSibling(): Optional<Node>
Returns an Optional that contains the next node in the document tree if such a node exists, otherwise returns an empty Optional.
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abstract fun nodeName(): String
Returns a string that represents the node name in the UTF8 format.
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abstract fun nodeValue(): String
Returns a string that represents the node value.
abstract fun nodeValue(value: String)
Updates the node value with the given new value.
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abstract fun outerHtml(): String
Returns a string with the HTML serialization of this element and its descendants.
abstract fun outerHtml(html: String): Boolean
Replaces the element and all of its descendants with a new DOM tree constructed by parsing the given html.
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abstract fun parent(): Optional<Node>
Returns an Optional that contains the parent of this node.
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abstract fun previousSibling(): Optional<Node>
Returns an Optional that contains the previous node in the document tree if such a node exists, otherwise returns an empty Optional.
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abstract fun removeChild(childNode: Node): Boolean
Removes the given childNode of the current node from the DOM.
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abstract fun removeEventListener(eventType: EventType, listener: Observer<Event>, useCapture: Boolean)
Removes the given listener from the event target.
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abstract fun replaceChild(newNode: Node, oldNode: Node): Boolean
Replaces the given child oldNode of the current node with the given newNode.
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abstract fun scrollIntoView(alignTo: Element.AlignTo)
Scrolls the element's parent container such that the element on which this method is called is visible to the user.
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abstract fun textContent(): String
Returns the text content of the current node and its descendants.
abstract fun textContent(textContent: String)
Removes all the current node children and replaces them with a single text node with the given textContent.
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abstract fun type(): NodeType
Returns the node type.
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abstract fun xPath(): String
Returns a string that represents XPath to the current Node or an empty string if it is not available.